單擊商品編號(例如 5001R)。就可以查看產品照片和視頻。
Please, click on the product number (ex 5001R).
You can see product photos and videos.
Please contact WhatsApp or Wechat (yuki0314m) for prices and stock.
無瑕 白牌配对用(无瑕)
- 表面稍为粗糙 接近正圆 孔口有微瑕(小)
No spot for the pair
- surface is clean,round
微瑕 黄牌微瑕
- 表面颇粗糙 微微不圆 稍有瑕疵 孔口有瑕疵(中)
small spot
- surface is little rough, almost round
Please, click the size to go to the product list of the desired size.